Ah, to be a child. Hopefully, you knew a childhood of carefree bliss, security, and joy with plenty of chances to learn and grow confidently and to feel love and peace every day. That’s what we want for all our children, right?
Childhood is not blissful for every child.
The sad truth is that not every child has a magical childhood. We know it, but no one likes to think about sad childhood experiences. We all know there are lasting and damaging effects to children who have experienced violence, neglect, or abuse. How can any of us help the helpless?
Truly, we can all do our part.
GoodPrints supports KIDS Center.
GoodPrints sees that life is full of priceless moments that should be treasured and we provide a variety of products that can showcase your memories — happy images that bring joy to you and other onlookers. As a company that loves to provide ways for families to surround themselves with happy images and memories, we here at GoodPrints believe that every kid deserves a chance at a magical childhood. We support efforts that improve the quality of life for others.
KIDS Center, Central Oregon’s only child abuse intervention center, is an organization that we support. They make a positive difference in the lives of children, specifically children who may have life experiences that aren’t so magical, whether by violence, neglect, or abuse. KIDS Center’s website shares, “Experts estimate that 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.” On top of that, it’s a sad truth that 90% of all abuse happens in the home or by a trusted family member or friend.
The carefreeness of childhood should not be stolen by abuse.
How can you help?
It’s sad and overwhelming to think about. You might be feeling helpless and wondering how to contribute to such a cause. We understand and empathize. But as adults, it’s our responsibility to speak up and save a child. Here are some ideas:
Learn how to help prevent child abuse.
Knowledge is power. There is likely a child abuse intervention center in your own area where you can get information on how to be an advocate for children.
In Central Oregon, we have KIDS Center, and their website shares that “To prevent child abuse, stop it and give children the chance to heal from it, the entire community needs to know the facts, be willing to talk about it, and DO something about it!” Every adult should consider taking Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children which “help adults learn how to minimize opportunities for abuse to happen, recognize potential signs of abuse and how to report concerns.” They also offer training on how to talk to children about their bodies, and how to build parenting skills.
We cringe at the thought of any terrible act happening to any child, and it’s easier to push it away as we hate to imagine the horribleness of such acts happening to any child, and please not to our own. But we need to step up as a global community, become aware of how to prevent and handle these possible situations for all children’s sake.
Participate in April’s Blue Ribbon Campaign.
The Blue Ribbon Campaign runs the entire month of April in Central Oregon where more than 50,000 blue ribbons are distributed in Central Oregon to promote child abuse prevention. The campaign began in 1989 when grandmother Bonnie Finney of Virginia lost her grandson to abuse. She tied a blue ribbon to her car—representing the color of his bruises.
We can help by bringing attention to the problem, by not hiding from it, and by talking about it.
Remember that 10% of GoodPrints sales go to KIDS Center.
GoodPrints supports KIDS Center’s efforts and promises to give 10% of all sales to KIDS Center the month of April and the 1st week in May. You can order personalized photo products that capture the magic of your own life and know that you are positively contributing to improving the lives of children who may not be-be able to help themselves. GoodPrints will contribute to KIDS Center knowing their experts specialize in helping children directly.
The way we see it, your memories are bringing hope to a child who may be fighting life’s hardest battles at too young an age. This is the best source of inspiration we can find, to be a force for good, where together we can make a difference and give love both ways. We thank you for your caring heart.
If we want to live in a world where children are not abused, neglected, or mistreated, we need to know about it, acknowledge it, know how to prevent it, and act.
Together we can help to keep childhood innocent and magical. Children are the future and they are worth it.