Photo Blankets

Photo Blankets

Printing your pictures on personalized photo blankets is the perfect way to remember life’s best moments each time you snuggle up at home. Creating a blanket with pictures on it is really simple with our easy-to-use builder. Design your own fleece blanket to make it a family favorite for years to come.

Plus with 10% of every order donated to a great cause, you’ll love both your photo blanket and the impact made.

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Premium Woven Photo Blankets

From: $98.99

Personalized Photo Blankets

Create your very own custom design photo blanket with a variety of perfect fabrics to choose from! Choose from fleece, plush fleece, sherpa fleece, and woven. All are soft, warm, hypoallergenic, and machine-washable.

The main difference between them is the length and “feel” of the fibers. Plush fleece blankets have longer fibers than regular fleece blankets, giving them a more “luxurious” feel. Sherpa fleece also has long fibers that are designed to look and feel like real sheep’s fleece. Woven blankets look and feel more like a tapestry. They’re ideal for hanging on a wall or draping over a couch.

Our woven blankets are made using a giant computerized loom. Your photos are literally woven together to create a stunning photo blanket woven so beautifully it’s a true work of photo art.

Regardless of the material, your photo will look sharp and beautiful. In other words, when you order a photo blanket from us, you can expect your image to look great for a long time. It won’t get worn off or destroyed in the wash. It’ll be in the fabric itself, so you can enjoy your memories for many winter evenings to come.